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Raul Cuero's Interview About Creativity

Dr. Cuero talked about universal consciousness as a way of overcoming predicaments in life. He described it as developing your sense of who you are in your own way and nature, which he says is a universal concept. By doing this, you can rise above local judgment and ideas of who you are and not change yourself to fit in with what is around you, but stay true to who you are. This can be applied to my everyday life if I can truly know myself and have confidence in the person I am. This will prevent the negative ways people may judge me from getting to me. If I am able to truly experience this, I would not be limited by what society tells me to do and ave more room for creativity.

Creativity is one of the more important things Dr. Cuero discussed. One thing I can apply to my life in order to be more creative is not fearing failure in order to succeed. Most people (including myself) fear failure and they cannot succeed at what they need to because they lack intensity. By choosing to ignore any fear of failure I may have, the creative process will be easier for me, since intensity completes that process.

As an Animation and Art student, the creative process is very crucial in what I do. This process starts with one idea, which then leads to other ideas building off of it. Dr. Cuero said that talking face to face with people is one of the easiest ways to generate ideas, and that is something I am going to try to implement into my daily life. I am going to try and talk to as many different people as possible (even strangers) everyday, even if it is only an interaction lasting a few seconds. Even those few seconds could spark an idea in my head that could lead to an even larger topic for a project or piece of art. These interactions should act as a base for ideas to build off of each other, and could lead to something else entirely, but that is all part of the process. Dr. Cuero said that creativity cannot be planned, so I am going to try and "go with the flow" as often as I can in order to let the process happen and to not just focus on the end results. I plant to truly live the process he discussed to see how it impacts my art and creativity.


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