While exploring the blog, I discovered a show I had no idea was made into a musical: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . This was one of my favorite books and movies when I was younger, and just from the trailer found on the blog, I feel as if I would love the musical as well. Shows with a child playing the lead are always more interesting to me and more likely to get my attention. It is incredible to see talent in someone so young, and refreshing compared to the adult actors who have had many more years of experience. Most Broadway shows do not catch my attention, and the ones that do are usually ones someone else has to force me to watch. Even though I have loved every show I've seen (either in a movie adaptation or live), I never seem to want to explore a show by myself. However, due to the comments on the Stage Door blog about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, I may further dive into that show. The only time I explored any show by myself was when I discovered an adaptation of...